Ingvi I.
Oversat fra engelsk:
Jeg har for nylig købt en bil fra TEN, og jeg fik særdeles god service, så de har min fulde anbefaling. Sælgeren var hjælpsom, og kvaliteten af bilen fra beskrivelse til virkelighedens verden var korrekt. Der opstod imidlertid et problem. Bilens aircondition virkede ikke, så jeg kontaktede TEN. De bad mig om at få foretaget et servicecheck af aircon-anlægget og sende dem regningen. Jeg gjorde, som jeg fik besked på, og fik repareret aircon-anlægget. (Der manglede bare airconditionvæske).
Jeg sendte regningen til TEN og fik pengene tilbage indenfor én DAG.
Original bedømmelse:
I recently bought a car from TEN and I got a very good service so they have my full recommendation.
The salesman was very helpful and the quality of the car from description to the actual thing was correct.
There was one problem though. The aircondition wasn´t working so I contacted TEN. They told me to make an aircon service check and to send them the invoice. I did as I was told and got the aircon fixed. (there was only aircon fluid missing).
I sent TEN the invoice and within a DAY he had payed me back.